Friday, November 3, 2017

Day 8 - Power Fuels and Super Carbs

Had to stop at the gas station on the way to work and get almonds and a banana.  Forgot to get baby carrots so my veggie servings will be tonight.

Breakfast was cereal!  With milk!  (milk not provided)

The vanilla shake is so friggin good!!  I always mix it with decaf instead of water.

Lunch was tuna salad and a slice of whole grain bread.  It was delicious.

Snack was 1/4 cup almonds and 1 slice whole grain bread.
The store didn't have any unsalted.  I prefer unsalted so it was a little slow eating those.

Dinner was meatloaf with mashed potatoes buried in gravy.  I threw broccolis in there to be able to eat all the gravy.  :-)
I'm also supposed to have some type of power fuel (PF), but got my nails done instead of grocery shopping.

Evening snack was a chocolatey pretzel bar.  It was very yummy!

I also walked around the building twice on my morning break and 3 times in the afternoon.  I still have 10 more minutes of 'activity' to do today.

I feel full.  That's what's so fantastic about this.  When I am hungry I usually eat a baby carrot or piece of broccoli and that's enough to keep me content till my next meal.

Tomorrow I'll be shopping for eggs, bananas, v8, almonds, and a few other items.

I've stopped doing the nutrition stuff for each meal.  Feel free to comment if you want me to start doing that again.

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