Monday, November 6, 2017

Day 11 NS - Oops

Last night I brewed my coffee, but totally forgot about it while reading a book.  Found it this morning still on.  Oh well.

I have work coffee in the freezer now.  :-)

Walked to the gas station and got a banana for my lunch or afternoon snack.  Haven't decided which yet.

Almonds and a whole grain cinnamon bun for breakfast.  It's good, but so tiny compared to Cafe Liquid's cinnamon buns!

I also wanted to walk around the building twice on my way back from the gas station, but sweating stopped that  quickly.  Winter needs to hurry the hell up and get here.

I've walked twice around the building at lunch and again on my afternoon break.

Vanilla shake mid-morning.

Lunch was make my own - banana and almonds.  :-)  I like both so it was easy.

Mid afternoon snack was a hard boiled egg and multi grain bread.  Plus one Werther's coffee flavored candy which is 17.5 calories.

And, of course, the always present baby carrots to nibble on.

Looked over at my shelf o' food and saw tuna casserole.  I am not a fan.  So I decided to eat it tonight and get it over with.  It's edible.  For people that like tuna casserole it's probably quite delicious.

I also stayed in the kitchen until the coffee was done.  So everything is ready for tomorrow.

Snack is double chocolate peanut butter cookies.  So very delicious!!

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