Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Professional Behavior

My building did our semi-annual bowling thing this past Sunday.

I was goofing off and bowling for someone who wasn't there and doing way better when I bowled for him than for myself.  So I started saying, "Fucking Chandler."
(There weren't any kids within earshot.)

But one of my co-workers said, "You crack me up!  You're so PC at work, but so different here."

I couldn't even respond to that I was so dumbfounded.

Of course, I'm different at work.  And I'm not PC - I'm professional.  Do 20 and 30 somethings really not understand that you are supposed to behave in a professional manner when you're at work?

It's also different for the company I used to work for before we got sold.  Our upper management behaved worse than any construction worker I've dealt with.  They'd throw things and cuss all the time.  The excuse I kept hearing was, "That's the automotive business for you."  Well, Sparky, we're a software company, not a car business.

To me, if you can't communicate without cussing, then you should go back to high school or take a college course on Effective Communication.  And you most certainly should behave differently in the work environment than you do at home.

So where did I learn how to behave properly?  My parents?  Mentors?  Teachers? Co-workers?  I'm thinking yes to all of the above.

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