Try charging it even though you know it had at least 60% on the battery.
Try a different charger.
Hit the home button about 50 times.
It's the zombie apocalypse!
Send a text (using your iPad, duh) to your brother and bonus sis letting them know you're phone is dead DEAD. Like they can wave their HP wands and fix this.
Google if the Verizon store is still open. SHIT! They close in 30 minutes. Change out of pjs into clothes and cuss under your breath at the idiots in the passing lane doing 40 in a 45.
Phone is under warranty, but who gives a shit when you don't have a working phone for what a full freaking week?!
Verizon employees tell you to call Verizon because they have to go through the dance of 'troubleshooting' even though it is more than likely a hardware problem. Fucksonofabitchshitdammitfuckfuckfuck.
I don't have a landline. I have to wait till tomorrow to call from work?!
Breathe, breathe.
OhOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!! I have my 6 still!
Continue to panic since the Verizon employees are just as confused as you are. Then get very confused when they mention a SIM card because you didn't know SIM cards even existed any more.
Then say SIMS because you're in minor freak out mode.
Then get distracted by the lil tool they bring out and show you how to remove the SIM from your 8 to put into your 6.
Go home, swap SIM, call Verizon. Told to go to PC and open iTunes. PC hasn't been turned on in at least a month, so it takes F.O.R.E.V.E.R.
Then iTunes decides it's not going to behave. Tell tech I'll call back once iTunes downloads. This guy is very calm and schedules THEM to call ME. Tells me it could be a software issue. Makes me fell better. :-)
Did I mention I forgot to take my anti-anxiety meds yesterday?
Take shower, feed dogs, feed me. iTunes finishes downloading. And now I can't get the stupid thing to open.
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