I knew I needed to do something different a long time ago. I’ve had absolutely no desire to go to the gym. Don’t miss it, don’t feel guilty at all about it either.
And my weight has been a steady 196. Till last week when I was 199. That is way too close to 200.
So I’ve stopped the 160 calorie protein drinks and the peanut butter in the afternoon. 8 almonds instead of the drink. And 8 almonds with my apple instead of peanut butter.
I’m concerned about the protein. But if I have any ‘episodes’, I’ll just go back on the protein drinks but still leave out the peanut butter.
My biggest issue is portion control. I can go through a jar of peanut butter in 5 days. And that’s me only eating it with my afternoon apple.
I can eat 4 servings of cauliflower with wing sauce in one sitting and still not feel full.
That’s why NutriSystem works for me. I eat their meals and only their meals. It’s my morning and afternoon snacks that I go all crazy.
So we’ll see what this slight change in my eating habits does. :-)
Sunday, January 27, 2019
What to do when you're phone dies....UPDATE
Hit the home button about 50 times. Then press the power button while counting 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, WTF, 1005. Try that a few more times.
Try charging it even though you know it had at least 60% on the battery.
Try a different charger.
Hit the home button about 50 times.
It's the zombie apocalypse!
Send a text (using your iPad, duh) to your brother and bonus sis letting them know you're phone is dead DEAD. Like they can wave their HP wands and fix this.
Google if the Verizon store is still open. SHIT! They close in 30 minutes. Change out of pjs into clothes and cuss under your breath at the idiots in the passing lane doing 40 in a 45.
Phone is under warranty, but who gives a shit when you don't have a working phone for what a full freaking week?!
Verizon employees tell you to call Verizon because they have to go through the dance of 'troubleshooting' even though it is more than likely a hardware problem. Fucksonofabitchshitdammitfuckfuckfuck.
I don't have a landline. I have to wait till tomorrow to call from work?!
Breathe, breathe.
OhOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!! I have my 6 still!
Continue to panic since the Verizon employees are just as confused as you are. Then get very confused when they mention a SIM card because you didn't know SIM cards even existed any more.
Then say SIMS because you're in minor freak out mode.
Try charging it even though you know it had at least 60% on the battery.
Try a different charger.
Hit the home button about 50 times.
It's the zombie apocalypse!
Send a text (using your iPad, duh) to your brother and bonus sis letting them know you're phone is dead DEAD. Like they can wave their HP wands and fix this.
Google if the Verizon store is still open. SHIT! They close in 30 minutes. Change out of pjs into clothes and cuss under your breath at the idiots in the passing lane doing 40 in a 45.
Phone is under warranty, but who gives a shit when you don't have a working phone for what a full freaking week?!
Verizon employees tell you to call Verizon because they have to go through the dance of 'troubleshooting' even though it is more than likely a hardware problem. Fucksonofabitchshitdammitfuckfuckfuck.
I don't have a landline. I have to wait till tomorrow to call from work?!
Breathe, breathe.
OhOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!! I have my 6 still!
Continue to panic since the Verizon employees are just as confused as you are. Then get very confused when they mention a SIM card because you didn't know SIM cards even existed any more.
Then say SIMS because you're in minor freak out mode.
Then get distracted by the lil tool they bring out and show you how to remove the SIM from your 8 to put into your 6.
Go home, swap SIM, call Verizon. Told to go to PC and open iTunes. PC hasn't been turned on in at least a month, so it takes F.O.R.E.V.E.R.
Then iTunes decides it's not going to behave. Tell tech I'll call back once iTunes downloads. This guy is very calm and schedules THEM to call ME. Tells me it could be a software issue. Makes me fell better. :-)
Did I mention I forgot to take my anti-anxiety meds yesterday?
Take shower, feed dogs, feed me. iTunes finishes downloading. And now I can't get the stupid thing to open.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Today was a good day! And Wool Balls!
I was out of bed before 10!
Fine - it was 930, but that’s still good.
Ate breakfast outside with the Mafia. Stayed outside till it started sprinkling.
Did all my laundry and most of my clothes are put away or hanging to dry.
Cody’s girlfriend, Zoe, came over to visit for a little bit. Even her brother ran the fence with Cody.
I bought 2 wool balls from WalMart. That’s all they had. So I went online and bought a 4 pack on eBay. They’re 1/2 the size of the WalMart balls. They really do work! No static in my clothes and it’s great knowing that chemicals aren’t being melted onto my clothes.
As I was folding my sheet, one came bouncing out. Adele was very intrigued with this ball that suddenly appeared at her feet. LOL
Buy yourself some wool balls and stop buying dryer sheets!
Tomorrow will be a good day too! I’m volunteering in the morning, a little bit of grocery shopping on the way home, and if the weather lets me - putting my amaryllis into the ground.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Hot Flashes Do’s and Don’ts - Update #3
The apostrophes are probably all wrong on my title. Get over it. :-p
Other than what you read doing your own research:
Don’t sleep on a memory foam mattress. If you can tolerate a spring mattress, they are way better for airflow and keeping your body cooler. If not, then get a hybrid. I think mine has a cooling gel layer and it doesn’t do squat for keeping me cool at night.
Don’t dry your clothes with Bounce. Get 6 wool balls. The Bounce or any other fabric sheet has chemicals that melt during the drying process and clog the holes in your clothes.
Don’t sleep with 1,000 thread count sheets - same concept - no holes, can’t help keep you cool.
Get a Bed Jet or similar gadget. It helps, but I would prefer that it blew cold air versus ambient.
Sleep nekkid if you can tolerate it. I can’t.
Sleep alone. I can’t. And though they are little - my dogs do put out some body heat.
I also bought a mattress pad and pajamas from cool-jams.com
PJ’s haven’t arrived yet. Got the mattress pad today. I’ll update this tomorrow with how I slept. It’s a very high-quality mattress pad and will fit on even a pillow top I think.
I slept very well last night. :-)
The low was in the high 30's so that might have helped. But I woke up not in a puddle of sweat. I'm looking forward to getting the pajamas today. I'll update again tomorrow after I sleep in the pj's.
Got my PJ’s yesterday. They’re very well made. Definitely not used to spending that amount of money on pajamas. But I slept through the night and when I did wake up I didn’t feel like I was laying in a puddle. I felt a little damp on the side I was laying on, but that’s way better than a puddle.
I also didn’t have my Bed Jet on last night.
I will be buying more of these pajamas and throwing away my sleeping t-shirts.
Got bamboo pajamas on Amazon. Sold by SleepyTimePJs and less than $30. They are so very soft!! And very comfy. Definitely recommend these pajamas.
Other than what you read doing your own research:
Don’t sleep on a memory foam mattress. If you can tolerate a spring mattress, they are way better for airflow and keeping your body cooler. If not, then get a hybrid. I think mine has a cooling gel layer and it doesn’t do squat for keeping me cool at night.
Don’t dry your clothes with Bounce. Get 6 wool balls. The Bounce or any other fabric sheet has chemicals that melt during the drying process and clog the holes in your clothes.
Don’t sleep with 1,000 thread count sheets - same concept - no holes, can’t help keep you cool.
Get a Bed Jet or similar gadget. It helps, but I would prefer that it blew cold air versus ambient.
Sleep nekkid if you can tolerate it. I can’t.
Sleep alone. I can’t. And though they are little - my dogs do put out some body heat.
I also bought a mattress pad and pajamas from cool-jams.com
PJ’s haven’t arrived yet. Got the mattress pad today. I’ll update this tomorrow with how I slept. It’s a very high-quality mattress pad and will fit on even a pillow top I think.
I slept very well last night. :-)
The low was in the high 30's so that might have helped. But I woke up not in a puddle of sweat. I'm looking forward to getting the pajamas today. I'll update again tomorrow after I sleep in the pj's.
Got my PJ’s yesterday. They’re very well made. Definitely not used to spending that amount of money on pajamas. But I slept through the night and when I did wake up I didn’t feel like I was laying in a puddle. I felt a little damp on the side I was laying on, but that’s way better than a puddle.
I also didn’t have my Bed Jet on last night.
I will be buying more of these pajamas and throwing away my sleeping t-shirts.
Got bamboo pajamas on Amazon. Sold by SleepyTimePJs and less than $30. They are so very soft!! And very comfy. Definitely recommend these pajamas.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Hurray! Pfft
Came out of my funk Friday.
Weekend weather was nice enough for my dogs and me to spend most of the morning outside.
Somewhere in there Luna's dad came to drop of some of her things that the family didn't want. Those items will get donated to a local senior doggy sanctuary.
I did keep her water bowl and her food mat as a reminder of her. <3
Her ashes came in yesterday and I met her dad after work. I looked in the bag that Greenbriar provided to see what was in there. I was really hoping they did a paw print. The box with her ashes is beautiful. They did get the paw print and they also got a card, certificate, and a bookmark.
I took Cesar with me. He loves car rides. He got lots of pets when Luis met us. :-)
I'm very tired today. I'll get a little chilly, put on my hoody, then get real warm and start to sweat, take it off, then chilly again. I'm hoping I'm fighting a cooty and not actually getting sick.
The next thing occupying my wee lil brain is my cracked bathtub. I'll pester Heath Friday to see when I can look forward to it being replaced.
Weekend weather was nice enough for my dogs and me to spend most of the morning outside.
Somewhere in there Luna's dad came to drop of some of her things that the family didn't want. Those items will get donated to a local senior doggy sanctuary.
I did keep her water bowl and her food mat as a reminder of her. <3
Her ashes came in yesterday and I met her dad after work. I looked in the bag that Greenbriar provided to see what was in there. I was really hoping they did a paw print. The box with her ashes is beautiful. They did get the paw print and they also got a card, certificate, and a bookmark.
I took Cesar with me. He loves car rides. He got lots of pets when Luis met us. :-)
I'm very tired today. I'll get a little chilly, put on my hoody, then get real warm and start to sweat, take it off, then chilly again. I'm hoping I'm fighting a cooty and not actually getting sick.
The next thing occupying my wee lil brain is my cracked bathtub. I'll pester Heath Friday to see when I can look forward to it being replaced.
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
I’m Depressed
You have no idea how hard it is to admit that to myself.
And I think my dogs figured it out before I did.
I keep thinking about Luna. Wishing I could have done something to save her. I miss her. She should still be with me. Her family comes home in a few days. And I hope so very, very much that they were able to enjoy the rest of their vacation. It will be hard coming back to an empty home.
I also had to deal with someone using toll roads and not paying. I forgot to take her off my transponder years ago and she was racking up charges on my account. Because I also forgot to redo my debit card when I got an NSF charge back in March of 2017. Sunpass failed to notify me until the Thursday before Christmas. The excuse Sunpass gave was that they got a new system and were auditing things to verify all charges were going to the correct accounts. Why she didn’t contact Sunpass after the first 4 or 5 times of not getting a bill is suspicious. I’m sure she was hoping that she just got lost in the system. That infuriates me. Because she was stealing. And she thought it was fine to steal from the state. I can see from the records that she started using the toll roads more often over the last 3 months.
She is making payments to me. Hopefully, this will be over with in less than 6 months. Yup - over $500 she racked up in tolls probably hoping to never get caught.
And then there’s my bathtub. It cracked. 2 estimates to fix it the way I want. One is a tile guy and is above my budget and above the value of this house. The other has known me for 30 years. I puked on him once. LOL. He’s going to take out the liner that I have and build a shower.
I got curious because I was hoping the shell was over an existing tub and tile wall. The walls are not over anything except wood studs. Which probably means the tub shell isn’t over anything either which explains why it cracked eventually.
The good thing about that is we don’t have to worry about moldy tile underneath the shell. The bad thing is we have to worry about damaged wood under the shell.
And Cesar will need a dental. I’m going to wait till I get my tax refund back for that.
There is good through all this. I’ve managed to keep my weight at 195 to 196. I did pay off the vet, my new phone, and a medical bill before Christmas. I got to spend a lot of time with my dad and old(er) brother while on vacation. I hated having a bathtub that I couldn’t use to take a bubble bath in.
It’s a matter of just riding this out. Things do make me giggle like the dogs with the puppucino, but then I’m right back to blah. Those of you that have depression understand.
But I still argue with myself about it:
“You don’t have a reason to be depressed.”
“Others are way worse than you.”
“Look at all the good things in your life.”
“Go for a walk! You’ll feel better.”
My dogs do keep me entertained which helps. <3
And I think my dogs figured it out before I did.
I keep thinking about Luna. Wishing I could have done something to save her. I miss her. She should still be with me. Her family comes home in a few days. And I hope so very, very much that they were able to enjoy the rest of their vacation. It will be hard coming back to an empty home.
I also had to deal with someone using toll roads and not paying. I forgot to take her off my transponder years ago and she was racking up charges on my account. Because I also forgot to redo my debit card when I got an NSF charge back in March of 2017. Sunpass failed to notify me until the Thursday before Christmas. The excuse Sunpass gave was that they got a new system and were auditing things to verify all charges were going to the correct accounts. Why she didn’t contact Sunpass after the first 4 or 5 times of not getting a bill is suspicious. I’m sure she was hoping that she just got lost in the system. That infuriates me. Because she was stealing. And she thought it was fine to steal from the state. I can see from the records that she started using the toll roads more often over the last 3 months.
She is making payments to me. Hopefully, this will be over with in less than 6 months. Yup - over $500 she racked up in tolls probably hoping to never get caught.
And then there’s my bathtub. It cracked. 2 estimates to fix it the way I want. One is a tile guy and is above my budget and above the value of this house. The other has known me for 30 years. I puked on him once. LOL. He’s going to take out the liner that I have and build a shower.
I got curious because I was hoping the shell was over an existing tub and tile wall. The walls are not over anything except wood studs. Which probably means the tub shell isn’t over anything either which explains why it cracked eventually.
The good thing about that is we don’t have to worry about moldy tile underneath the shell. The bad thing is we have to worry about damaged wood under the shell.
And Cesar will need a dental. I’m going to wait till I get my tax refund back for that.
There is good through all this. I’ve managed to keep my weight at 195 to 196. I did pay off the vet, my new phone, and a medical bill before Christmas. I got to spend a lot of time with my dad and old(er) brother while on vacation. I hated having a bathtub that I couldn’t use to take a bubble bath in.
It’s a matter of just riding this out. Things do make me giggle like the dogs with the puppucino, but then I’m right back to blah. Those of you that have depression understand.
But I still argue with myself about it:
“You don’t have a reason to be depressed.”
“Others are way worse than you.”
“Look at all the good things in your life.”
“Go for a walk! You’ll feel better.”
My dogs do keep me entertained which helps. <3
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Cesar at 14 is doing well. He's got a definite limp/swagger when he walks. That has to do with the herniated disk in his back - I thin...
It’s been awhile since I’ve written. A few people that know me well know that when I’m quiet, that’s a very bad thing. Good stuff first ...
Banana nut muffin for breakfast plus a hard boiled egg. The muffin was so yummy! So was the egg, but it's not an NS egg so it's no...
My building did our semi-annual bowling thing this past Sunday. I was goofing off and bowling for someone who wasn't there and doing w...