Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Story of D

 I went with Dad to pick up Sugar from the groomer.  She looked so cute with a little red bow at the top of her head!

While we're chatting with the 2 groomers, a spaniel came up to the gate and said hi to Dad.  "Oh! Aren't you cute!  Are you up for adoption?"  Dad said that jokingly.

But one of the groomers proceeds to tell us that she knows of a Chihuahua that is up for adoption.  Dad and I both got real quiet.

The groomer says she's white and that the owner doesn't want her because she won't bond with her.

I look over at Dad and ask, "How much?"


"May I have the information please?"

Then the other groomer says that she has her sister.

As we get into my car Dad asks if we're going to get the Chihuahua now.  I tell him no, that I need to go to the ATM first to get money.  But I did call on our way home and the lady's voicemail was full.

Then I try one more time when we're closer to Dad's and she gives me her address and tells me I can come by any time.  So I drop Dad and Sugar off, head to the ATM, then go to this lady's house.

It's a cute little house.  That reeks of cigarette smoke when she lets me in.  I see a very fluffy cat and a very playful puppy.  I hear 2 other Chihuahuas and she lets me see them.  The puppy is sniffing the other 2 through the puppy gate.  She's bigger then them.

I scoop her up and she immediately buries her face in my neck.

The lady's jaw drops.  "She's never done that with me!"  I just shrug that off because this puppy (called Lola at the time) was shaking like a leaf.

And my eyes are watering from the cigarette smell.

She tells me Lola was born in September sometime and that she's had 1 shot.  But wouldn't tell me the vet's name.  Meanwhile, the fluffy cat is head butting my hand.  So I gave it some pets.  <3

She gives me Lola and her little pink flamingo toy.

I had to pry Lola off me in the car so I could drive.

I think I took her straight to Dad's.  When I got her to my house she immediately got a bath - she did very well with that.  And I immediately took a shower after that.  I smelled cigarette smoke for at least a day after all this.  I even washed her flamingo because it smelled like cigarette.

Somewhere in all that Dad and I came up with her name, Dianna Krall.  I call her D.  Diana only when she's not listening.  And I call her Honey Bee when I'm being silly.

She either learned to sit pretty quickly or knew that before coming to me.  She's also potty trained.  She doesn't really like to be picked up.  But she has no problem jumping up for pets.  And for the first week she slept on my neck just like Cesar and Cody did when they were pups.  Lately she's moved down to under the covers to be near Adele or Cody.

She was very timid near Dad and David, but is slowly coming out of her shell with them.

She plays at night with Cody.  And this last weekend she and Adele were running the yard together.

Saturday was her first vet visit.  She has a yeast infection in her left ear which I'm treating.  And she has a recessed vulva.  Which just means I have to wipe her with a baby wipe once a day to keep that from getting infected.  She's 6.8 pounds.  And I put her birthday at 10/3/20.

She's not white.  She's blonde.

The lady that sold her to me asked for photos, so I sent some to her that day and the next.

I also sent a text to the groomer to let her know I had Lola and her name was now D.  That's when the flood gates of the 'truth' opened up.

The groomer is the mother of the girl that bred 2 dogs that brought me D.  The girl was hospitalized with sepsis and during that time was taking care of the litter of Chihuahuas (6) and a litter of Pomeranians.  (I strongly dislike breeders.)  The girl's husband couldn't handle the 2 litters on his own and allegedly the lady demanded that she get her puppy early.  So the first story I was told is that D went to the lady at 7 weeks.

Then a few days later the groomer says D went to the lady at 8 weeks.  Which makes me think it was probably more like 6 weeks.  When I asked the groomer for a photo of her parents she told me that her daughter sold the father, but she did send me photos of the mom and D's siblings.

She looks very similar to her mom.  One day I'll get her DNA tested.  I have a feeling she's a Chihuahua mix.  I've said the same thing about Cody and he's 12 1/2 and I still haven't tested him.  LOL

She and Enya are learning to play together.  D is safe now.  She's got 2 houses of dogs and people that will give her the love, care, and training she needs.

Puppy Pile

D with her Momma and siblings

Cesar and D


I bought/invested in retainers.  They're called Hawley Retainers.  You might know them as the old-fashioned retainers.

I didn't feel paying $100 every 6 months to replace my Candid retainer was beneficial in several ways:

  • financially it didn't make sense to me
  • having that much plastic in my mouth at night was the reason I was clenching my teeth
  • they became inconvenient to clean (the Smile Direct cleaning gadget started getting quirky and it was taking me 20 minutes or more to clean them)

There were advantages:

  • my teeth stayed clean overnight
  • my teeth didn't shift

I decided to look into permanent retainers.  But they only cover the front 4 to 6 teeth.  And with teeth pushing from the back to front, that didn't make sense to me.  Also, the orthodontist said that because the left side of my teeth don't touch and I have a slightly crooked tooth on the bottom front, permanent retainers wouldn't be beneficial to me.

So we talked about Hawley Retainers.  He said there was even a chance they would close that side gap.  And for some of his patients they've lasted as long as 20 years.  So for $640 or so, I got myself some retainers.  And I love them!  I use Retainer Brite, put both pieces into the cup for 14 minutes and TADA! they're clean.

I don't clench my jaw at night any more.  I also don't have extra skin behind my lower, front jaw.

I go back in a few weeks for any possible minor adjustments.  And they also recommend I see them every 2 years to check the wires.

Dogs Updates

Cesar at 14 is doing well.  He's got a definite limp/swagger when he walks.  That has to do with the herniated disk in his back - I thin...