Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Big Step - Goodbye, NutriSystem

After 2 months of thinking it over, I've canceled my NutriSystem.

I'm at a steady weight now.  Not as slim as I'd like to be, but the meals aren't causing me to gain or lose.  So I figured it's time after 2 years and 4 months to try to eat on my own.

Breakfast is 2 egg whites and 1 slice of wholegrain Ezekiel bread.  Maybe a banana on my way to work.  Protein shake with my coffee that takes me at least till 11 to drink all of it.

Lunch is a small can of chopped chicken, roma tomato, and celery with a tiny dab of mayo.  Maybe 1/2 a teaspoon of mayo.

Dinner varies - I've done a bag 'o slaw with a Morning Star Spicy Black Bean Veggie Burger.  Or a NS dinner that I still have a few of in my freezer.

I've only been doing this for a few weeks.  When I get tired of the chicken I'll get Lean Cuisine egg rolls or maybe make chili or something.

I am nervous.  I don't think I have the portion control thing down.  But I have no desire at all to go to any fast food place. 

I do eat a bunless bacon cheeseburger with fries the nights I bowl.  Though tonight I think I'll switch that up and get a hot dog.

NS isn't meant to be forever.  Though I was planning on it that.  It's just so easy to grab something out of the fridge or out of the pantry and zap it.  However, I know it's healthier to eat non-processed foods.

Snacking is either an apple or grapes.

So we'll see how I do.  :-)

2/16/21 Update -
And I failed the doing it on my own.  I'm back up to 235.  So after my roof gets replaced from damages due to Hurricane Sally, I will be going back on NutriSystem.  I don't feel like I failed and I'm not upset at all that I'll be going back.  The food is good and I know it works.  :-)

Candid Co. Amost Done!!

Put my new set in last night.  6 more weeks to go before I'm done.

I thought they were done with my bottom teeth.  NOPE!  Owie.  :-)

They are also finally getting my top teeth straighter.  I think they left them alone last set of aligners.

I'm really excited about being able to not wear these things all day long.  But I'm also nervous about it.  I've had them in for so long that my teeth will feel unprotected. 

There are moments where I just want them out.  Same feeling I get when I'm wearing shoes.

The photos below - my bottom teeth don't feel as crooked as they look in the photo.  Me smiling is with my aligners in.  And my top teeth look dirty, but I think it's the lighting.

Dogs Updates

Cesar at 14 is doing well.  He's got a definite limp/swagger when he walks.  That has to do with the herniated disk in his back - I thin...