Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Your Discomfort is My Pain

I have pain.  Y’all can call it whatever the heck you want.  But it’s way more than discomfort.  Luckily, it’s not constant, and 3 aspirin gets rid of it.  And, yes, it’s worth it.

I’m reminded of how some women describe labor as discomfort or uncomfortable.  Bullshit - they’re called labor pains for a reason.

Chewing on the chewy helps, sucking on my teeth helps, and putting pressure on the aligner with my thumb or finger helps too.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

First Night With Aligners

I’ve had my aligners in for about 11 1/2 hours.  The first night was uneventful.

Eating with them in is weird.  I hope I never find out, but I do wonder if this is what it’s like to have dentures.

I definitely felt my teeth this morning.  The upper, left back molar was the most uncomfortable.  And I felt my top teeth slightly more than my bottom.

Sucking on my teeth does make the discomfort go away temporarily.

No sore spot on my tongue from the one area of the aligner that was bothering me.  Which means I’m getting used to them pretty quickly.

When I first had them in, part of me was wanting them out.  I had to talk that part of me out of getting panicked.  I should mention that I’m weening off my current anti-anxiety meds to prepare to switch to a different med.

So if you experience a little bit of GET THESE OUT OF MY MOUTH, just breathe.  Calm yourself down and keep them in.  It’s going to take time, but that end result will be well worth it.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Putting my first set of aligners in

It was a lot easier than I thought.

They’ve been in for about 1 1/2 hours.  My tongue is brushing against the left side of the top aligner which is causing discomfort and my put a cut on my tongue if I can’t quit doing it.

My teeth aren’t bothering me at all.  My upper, left, back molar was earlier, but it’s settled down.  That’s the same tooth that bothers me when I’m congested.

I was also sucking on them when I first put them in.  It does feel good to do that.

Candid Co Aligners Unboxing

They’re here!!  For anyone else that does this - look at your last step aligners when you open your box.  I got a little teary eyed realizing my teeth will be that straight in about 9 months.

Dogs Updates

Cesar at 14 is doing well.  He's got a definite limp/swagger when he walks.  That has to do with the herniated disk in his back - I thin...