Lots to say, but not sure how lengthy this will be. It has been awhile since I blogged.
I was talking to Ma a lot while I wasn’t doing anything in here. Usually while I’m driving.
All my dogs are currently healthy which is great. But one of my nephews isn’t. He’ll be having surgery soon. Papi has the best face. And I’m sad that he’s going through so much pain and my brother and BFF are going through so much worry.
I’m now wavering around 199. I’ve been around 200 since my thyroidectomy. But 2 dosage changes later, I should be on track. I take 175 mcg Mon through Thur and 150 Fri through Sun. My last blood test showed me towards the high end of normal. My doctor or her nurse told me even before I had my surgery that they go by how I feel along with what the blood work shows.
Meanwhile, Mr. Know It All at work decided to throw his 2 cents in. You know, because he has a medical degree - not. He tried the - you should have a baseline from when you were 20 because your normal could be high and then you getting an increase in medicine isn’t good. And every time I say something about my hair loss, he tries to compare his hair loss and tells me it’s normal for my age. I try to be nice because he is the same one that drove me home from work the day Ma died.
My department of 3 did a boat trip last Saturday. My boss is great about being upbeat and doing team stuff. It was nice to be out on the water. My first time to Crab Island. Which has no crabs - well, the people there might, but the water didn’t. And it also isn’t an island. But there are 2 anchored bars. One has a kitchen drive up to it. It’s really weird to see these square ‘boats’. There’s also an obstacle course on the other side of where we were and ice cream boats. Yes, ice cream boats. Little boats with banners and at least one of them had that stupid ice cream truck song going. There was a souvenir boat and 2 hot boiled peanut boats. And supposedly it’s $10 to use the bathroom at any of the bars.
I still enjoyed it. Watching the people and visiting with 2 dogs. I even drank 2 Mike’s lemonade things.
Found out Monday Saturday evening an 18 year old boy drowned there. He fought the current to try to get back to his boat.
The ellipticals at the gym are kicking my uncoordinated ass. There are 4 different types. And I am determined to figure out which one works best for me. However, I don’t want to do it with anybody watching. Which is impossible since I go during the day and not at 3am. I have no idea how people get on those things and just swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh, like it’s nothing. Today I lasted 5 minutes I think. Went back to my trusty treadmill.
And my company has been sold to a bigger company. I’m very excited about this because it’s a publicly traded company and it’s worldwide. I’m hoping they're more trusting of their employees and will consider telecommuting. I’m looking forward to cheaper and better healthcare. 401(k) that’s contributing. Annual reviews.
I’m also hoping that they are progressive thinking and won’t make me change my blue hair.
More resources so we can get our department up to where it should be to educate our dealerships.
Switching back to the levothyroxine - my FB/diving buddies have helped me a lot this last week. Knowing that others are on a varying dosage and knowing that they’ve had to go through some tough adjustments helps me. One of my friends had a TSH above 100! I didn’t get tested at my absolute worst, but I can’t imagine being coherent at that level. At my worst I was taking naps every day at lunch in my car and one time I remember saying, “Red fish, blue fish,” in the middle of teaching. I snapped out of my stupor pretty quickly though.
Nikki came to visit from Texas. I had so much fun with her and Jules. We went to the Navarre kids’ water park. Julie learned real quick how to set her feet to shoot water at people. Met a guy there who’s family fosters service dogs for soldiers. I might consider doing that. The dog is with an inmate during the week and spends the weekends with families to learn how to be social and get used to normal life - grocery stores, cars, etc.
We also went to Build A Bear. I built a dog named Rayne. :-)
Rayne sits in my 9 pound coffee mug right where I can see both when I’m watching NetFlix, HBONow or Hulu.
And Target! And Target popcorn! Fun stuff.
Writing all this out has me smiling. It’s been a good couple of weeks. I want that to carry over to Papi’s surgery.
Saturday, July 28, 2018
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Dogs Updates
Cesar at 14 is doing well. He's got a definite limp/swagger when he walks. That has to do with the herniated disk in his back - I thin...
It’s been awhile since I’ve written. A few people that know me well know that when I’m quiet, that’s a very bad thing. Good stuff first ...
Banana nut muffin for breakfast plus a hard boiled egg. The muffin was so yummy! So was the egg, but it's not an NS egg so it's no...
My building did our semi-annual bowling thing this past Sunday. I was goofing off and bowling for someone who wasn't there and doing w...